Allan's Blog

10th December 2011

First can I wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year and lots of games at this time of year - thats what Holidays are for, just dont tell the family

Sorry its been a while work has been hectic, that with life in general being busy - Im adopting a little boy, has taken all my time, but conclusion is in the next few weeks, hurrah at last So I will at last get some time back to get things posted here more often and get the new figures in production.

The big news is the sale at the moment and thanks to all of you who are supporting that, hope you can take advantage and make that budget go further. The sale would end at the end of Jan, but the bad news, after 3 years we are going to have to bow to the inevitable and there is a price rise. So we have decided to continue the sale into January to help alittle bit longer to cut your costs and let you get those armies or reinforcements realised for the next years battles.

Talking of battles its time to get some serious gaming and Im looking forward to seeing my friends and getting some tabletop action going, also trying to complete some projects, lol, we all know we never finish, also start a new one - I( have been painting some Renaissance Poles and in the middle of painting the Turkish opponents, but Im inspired to get some Dark Ages painted and being excitable like I am have already 200 figures priimed and ready, lets see how long it takes to get these done and the balance another 600 figures, onwards and upwards.

Finally more pics of castings and painted figures will be on the site in the next few days, look out for some Malburians painted by a friend and Customer in New Zealand Nathan Ward with his kind permission, he has done a beautiful job. As I said thats it Im off for now

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