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Hinchliffe Plus Romans

Hinchliffe Plus Romans

 Hinchliffe is a very popular range of figures but with the current desire for variants we are releasing next year Hinchliffe Plus. This will be the same ranges but every code will have the original figure plus some variants,   we havnt decided which ranges to do first - suggestions are always listened to. You can see below three of the  codes from the Roman Range  AR03 - Roman with Sling, AR16 - Byzantine heavy Infantry in Mail and  AR22 - Late Roman Officer

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PLU/AR03 - Light Infantry with Sling

PLU/AR03 -  Light Infantry with Sling


contains 4 foot figures

PLU/AR16 - Byzantine Heavy Infantry mail.

PLU/AR16  -  Byzantine Heavy Infantry mail.


contais 4 foot figures

PLU/AR22 - Late Roman Officer

PLU/AR22 - Late Roman Officer


contains 1 foot figure

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